Thursday, December 24, 2020



That’s a word I didn’t think I’d use today. By all accounts, I have every right to be the grumpiest, grouchiest, grinch in town. 2020 has been a year, as we all know, and this Christmas season has been the icing on the cake. 

In a year full of tragedies, fear, and full on disasters, we’ve had our share. So, so many things have been a complete disaster since March, I don’t even know where to begin, so I won’t. Let’s just suffice it to say that this morning I woke up covered in hives. On Christmas Eve. 

Deep breaths.


Surprisingly enough, I’m not bitter or angry. I’m thankful. This morning I woke up. What a great way to begin a day. I’m at home, the best place to be. My husband made bacon. BACON. My doctor’s office was open when I called. I had hot coffee. I have great kids who are EXCITED for Christmas. 

I have a home filled with love, warmth, food, and joy.

Who could ask for more, especially at Christmas?

Merry Christmas, my friends. I pray you have all you need, want all you have, and hope for tomorrow.

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