Hello, friends!
I hope y’all are enjoying summer, or as we call it in Florida, daytime. Our family is taking in some much needed rest after a CRAZY year. As many of you know, I recently went back to work as a substitute teacher, and our lives got really busy. School will begin again in a few short weeks, so we’re making the most of Netflix, Amazon, Disney+, and the Olympics. Rest is vital for me, for all of us really, and I don’t feel a bit guilty about it. Well, I am a mom, so maybe just a little guilty, right ladies? 🙄
While taking advantage of my newfound free time, I have been thinking a little, okay a lot, about life in general, but mine in particular. As a woman of forty something years, I’ve reached middle age, and that’s a great deal of life to look back on.
How do I feel about my life?
Is it everything I’d hoped it’d be?
Am I satisfied?
My mom is probably reading this and thinking that I have too much time on my hands, but the question begs a reply.
How do I even begin to answer that question? Does Christianity play a role in my answer? Does my family? How could I possibly know?!?
Friends, I don’t know the answer, to be completely honest. As I’ve gone through this life, I’ve had so many different versions of what I thought success, happiness, and satisfaction would look like. I’m sure many of you are the same. But as I’ve grown and, ahem, matured, my goals in life have changed. The goalposts have moved, so to speak.
The only thing I am absolutely sure about is that to many, I’ve lived a small life. No grandiose achievements like Olympic medals or multimillion dollar contracts. No fame. No fortune. Just living, loving my family, and loving God the best way I can.
But, what is a big life anyway?!?
Fame? My kids, their friends, and many kids in the hallways, and consequently the grocery store, know my name. I suppose that’s fame enough.
Fortune? Well, we don’t have much, but we have enough, and just like Mary Poppins says, “Enough is as good as a feast.”
Faith? I love Jesus, and I believe what He says is true. Can’t ask for much more than that.
Family? I have the best family! I’m still madly in love with my hubby, and we have two teens we can stand to be around. 25 years of this has made me a lucky, lucky woman. Not to mention, my mama thinks I’m cool, so there! Ha!
And finally, fulfillment? Friends, my heart is so full every day. I might not always feel loved, but I know I am, and that I make a difference, if only to my small circle. Who could ask for more than that? Not only that, but my body gets challenged, my brain learns new things each day, I’m always meeting new people, I have time to recharge, and I get to cuddle two of the most adorable kitties ever.
I’m blessed in my life, so I guess that makes it big to me. I hope y’all can say the same. And if you can’t, I hope you have the strength and courage to change it.
I’m wishing you all the best of days, the biggest of dreams, and the most fabulous lives.
Ami ❤️
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The best photo of my sassy girl |
Well, deep stuff here and a lot of questions. Two stand out to me; is my life big enough and am I satisfied with it? First of all, I believe we never do and never should become satisfied with our life as it is. Life is all about change. It is what keeps our brains from rotting and keeps us from dying from boredom. There is something new to be learned everyday and that is what usually precipitates change. Either looking for the something new or the answer you find looking for it. It can be as simple as wondering how a new cut would look or deciding to move 1200 miles from home. That little urge to keep looking for something new or a change is how we grow.That does not mean, however, that you HAVE to change anything.If you are able to ignore that little urge and tell it you are content for now, that is great.You may stay content for a long time or change your mind tomorrow. What is important is getting up every day and making the choice to have a good day. Learn to accept things that come at you as a learning experience. Learn to accept that there is always going to be people skinnier or wealthier or healthier. Who have life easier it seems and never have to deal with anything. It is a lie. We don't know what anybody else deals with. All we can do is take care of us. Learn to grow and change or learn how to say no, I am happy as I am. In the end life only has to be as big as you can accept and still be happy and content.