Thursday, November 10, 2016

A New Day

Today is Thursday, November 10, 2016.
Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States of America on Tuesday.
There is rioting in the streets.

This is our new reality, folks.

I can't even believe that we are here, at this point. The entire election was surreal. Voter turnout was at record highs. Everyone definitely has an opinion.

Just breathe.......

So, what can we take away from this? What can we learn? I like to look at my mistakes as lessons God keeps trying to teach His most stubborn and hard-headed student: my husband!

Bahahaha! Just kidding!

It's me.
I am stubborn. I am prideful. I am sometimes arrogant. I am sometimes unkind.
I feel like I am God's worst student sometimes.

Today, I am trying really, REALLY hard to learn the lesson. So, here is what I have learned so far.

For those of you who really wanted Trump to win, now comes the hard part. The actual job is much harder than just getting elected. Have you ever seen before and after pics of our recent presidents?
MAN! They look ROUGH! Care for some examples? Here you go-

Now, Trump is already 70 years old.

Anyway, as Trump tries to figure out how to be president, he will need many people around him to advise and instruct him. He will probably nominate the next Supreme Court justice. He will interact with foreign leaders. He will veto laws.
PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT HE DOES! Not so you can fan worship him, but so you can stay involved. You need to see what you've done to see if it worked.
 I pray for all of our sakes that it does.

For those of you who are horrified at this moment, don't lose hope for tomorrow. Keep in mind that the president has limited powers granted to him in the Constitution. If or when he tries to overstep those boundaries, call him on it. Keep loving your neighbors. Love who you want, for that matter. Worship in the way you see fit, or don't worship at all. Respect yourself and others. Keep doing good.

I know many of you have hearts that are often bigger than your hands, and depend on society to help. Don't give up hope that this will continue. Our nation is still filled with kindness. We can still love one another. A new president can't keep you from doing this. Resistance to many of the ideas that Trump espoused during his campaign still exists. The church should come along side of you and show the most love, be the biggest helpers. This is our calling in this world; to show the love of Christ to others. We, as Christians, are to be known by our love. We need to remember this and act on it. God is the ultimate hope giver, and he hasn't gone out of business.


This one might be the closest one to my heart at this moment. I had many concerns regarding both candidates during the election, and this is why. As keepers of this great nation that has been handed down to us, we have to be vigilant against tyranny. We have been playing very fast and loose with our liberty lately in this nation, and we MUST do a better job of defending it. The Bill of Rights are supposed to be RIGHTS.  What does that mean? We have a legal right to them.We have been given rights that cannot be taken away. As of late, many of these rights have come under attack. Heard anyone talking about gun control lately? What about people telling you what you can and cannot say? Are you standing up for the National Anthem these days?
The United States is a relatively new nation. We must be vigilant with our rights if our nation is to continue to be free. Our founders knew this, therefore they gave us the Constitution to help guide the way.

These are the lessons I am learning. These are definitely positives, in my opinion. A well informed populace, a people filled with hope, and vigilant guardians of liberty would truly make America great again.

God help us all.

What are the lessons this election has taught you? Please feel free to share them with me.

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