Monday, January 2, 2017

Hope Springs Eternal

"Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never is, but always to be Blest."
Alexander Pope

 Ahhhh, another new year has come upon us.

It's always funny to me that people make New Year's resolutions. I've never quite understood it. We are just moving from one day to the next. What's the big deal? We party and celebrate the new year like it magically becomes something great just because it is a new number. Why? Won't our troubles be the same tomorrow as they are today? Won't we be the same people with the same bills, the same family, the same job, and the same bad habits when we wake up from our celebration?

Yes, we will. Everything will be exactly the same. Well, almost the same.

Humans are so weird. We remember tomorrows and plan for the future. I think we might be the only species on the planet that gets so wrapped up in time. Oh sure, some animals plan to hibernate or experience different life cycles and they prepare for those things, but they are not picking out a retirement plan and creating a will. Only humans do this.

But, why?

I have a theory. Humans, regardless of who we are, are hopeful by nature. We have hope for a better day. We believe in our hearts that everything will work out in the end. If we can't get to this point, somehow there is something wrong with us. Why? Because the natural human condition is hopeful. We have to believe in better days ahead. It helps us to move on with today, and tackle whatever problems come along the way.

We need hope.

So, back to the whole resolutions thing. Why do we waste our time making resolutions? It is a fact that a majority of New Year's resolutions never come to fruition. We have a tendency to sink back in to the same patterns and habits that we had in the previous year. Why do we waste our time, then? Hope. Hope says tomorrow will be better. Hope says you can be better than you are today. Hope says the impossible is possible.

Hope says I can get up at 6 for a run everyday (even though I have a hard time functioning at 6:30.) Hope says I can be a nicer person to my family (even though I'm trying not to scream at them in my head. Right. Now.) Hope says I can learn to pray before I respond with harsh words. Hope says I can be more diligent about doing the dishes. Hope says I can be better at reading my Bible. Hope says: Life. Will. Be. Better.

Why would God make us this way? Why would He put an undying hope in our hearts? As I've said before, I'm not a theologian, but I do have an opinion. I believe he put hope in our hearts so we will know that this life is not the end. There is more, so much more, waiting for us with Him. I think He wants us to realize that life can be better than it is. It draws us to Him. It makes us pray. It brings us to our knees asking for forgiveness to be better. To do better. God understands our nature so well (He did make us, after all!) that He knew we needed hope to draw us to Him.

As the new year starts, and we all try to do better, let me encourage you today. God has a plan for you. He knows what you need. Trust Him, and let this be your year of hope.

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